Site Access

The ADA and the CBC both require at least one accessible route from public transportation stops, accessible parking spaces, passenger loading and drop-off zones and public street or sidewalks to an accessible entry.  For buildings located at the interior of large sites, this requirement will often result in a significant pedestrian path from the perimeter of the site to an accessible entrance on the building.
CBC 1114B.1.2

The 2010 ADA exempts site arrival points and accessible facilities within a site from this requirement, where the only means of access is a vehicular way that does not provide pedestrian access.
2010 ADA  206.2

About Dwight Ashdown

The website is authored by Ashdown Architecture, Inc., a California Architectural firm and Certified Access Specialist (CASp) #112 All content is copyrighted by Ashdown Architecture and may not be used without the written consent of Ashdown Architecture, Inc.
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7 Responses to Site Access

  1. steve says:

    I have a question as to the “current” and correct Parking Accessibility Sign that needs to be posted at the entrance to a parking lot. I find a 24″ x 24″ white with black letters and a 12″ x 24″ blue with white letters. No on seems to know which one is the legal “current” sign required.

    Thank you

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      I believe you are referring to the “Tow Away” sign that needs to be posted either at the entrance to the parking lot, or visible from each accessible parking stall. The CBC-502.8 indicates that this sign should be “not less than 17″x22″.”
      You can also find the details and specific language for this sign in our e-book ADA4CA.

  2. Jim Shearer says:

    There is a elderly assisted living home going in across from my home whichwe do not want. This is a very nice community. The home dos not meet ADA requirements for access, restrooms or swimming pool. what can be done about this?
    Thank you,

  3. Sue Peterson says:

    Is your book ADA4CA come in any other format? I don’t use a Mac or Ipad.



  4. Michael Spohr says:

    I am working on a public park project where the site is bounded on three sides by public streets with the non-contiguous perimeter sidewalks meandering in and out of the right-of -way. Two of the streets exceed 5 percent in grade. Must the grade of a non-contiguous sidewalk be less than 5 percent or can I match the steeper street grade?

  5. Dixie Bennett says:

    I am a teacher at a large public school. There are several handicap spaces at the front of the school. There is also a small parking lot at the back of the school, where my classroom is. I’ve asked for a spot there, but their answer is that I have to walk all the way to the front if I am not able to get one of the regular spots (first come, first served). Do they have to put one in that parking lot? I have MS, and walking is a major issue.

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