Lodi’s Pizza Works closes due to ADA Lawsuit

In business for 34 years, the Lodi Pizza Works closes due to ADA lawsuit.

About Dwight Ashdown

The website is authored by Ashdown Architecture, Inc., a California Architectural firm and Certified Access Specialist (CASp) #112 All content is copyrighted by Ashdown Architecture and may not be used without the written consent of Ashdown Architecture, Inc.
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2 Responses to Lodi’s Pizza Works closes due to ADA Lawsuit

  1. I find it extremely difficult to believe that any “ADA lawsuit” would cause ANY business to “close.” What were the charges, and how much was the lawsuit for? We need to know, because so many businesses and business locations (strip malls, parking lots, store fronts, doors, etc.) are so completely non compliant, and yet you see handicapped logos and stickers all over the place. Shouldn’t there be some kind of criminal charges filed against businesses that advertise disability access, and yet have nothing in the way of disability access or compliance?

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      Yes, there sometimes are cases where a business owner may, with the best intentions, put up an International Symbol of Accessibility symbol and one or more conditions may not be fully compliant.
      The reason businesses are sometimes forced to close, is that they can be hit with a lawsuit with damages up to $40,000.00, and they simply don’t have the financial resources to cover that.

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