Tactile signs & pictorial symbols:
Pictorial symbol signs to have verbal description placed directly below pictogram. Outside dim. of pictogram to be 6”. (Note: no specific requirement for size of symbol or ISA.)
Characters to be raised 1/32”, to be sans serif uppercase, accompanied by contracted (Grade II) Braille.
Characters to be min. of 5/8” and max. of 2”.
Characters & Braille to be horizontal format. Braille to be placed a min. of 3/8” and a max. of ½” directly below characters flush left or centered.
CBC 1117B.5.5 2010 ADA 703.2
Min. 1/8” between characters
2010 ADA 703.2.7
Min. line spacing of raised characters = 135%
2010 ADA 703.2.8
Uppercase Braille indicators generally not required
2010 ADA 703.3.1
Tactile characters to be located between 48” – 60” at baselines
2010 ADA 703.4.1
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!
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