If walk crosses or adjoins a vehicular way, and walking surface is not separated from vehicular areas with curbs, railings or other elements, the boundary between the areas to be defined by a continuous detectable warning which is 36” wide.
CBC 1133B.8.5 ADAAG 4.29.5
- 01 Site Access
- 02 Path of Travel
- 03 Detectable Warnings
- 04 Parking
- 05 Curb Ramps
- 06 Ramps
- 07 Doors
- 08 Wheelchair Clearance
- 09 Stairs
- 10 Elevators & Lifts
- 11 Sanitary Facilities
- 12 Showers & Tubs
- 13 Fitting Rooms
- 14 Drinking Fountains
- 15 Employee Work Areas
- 16 Signs
- 17 Controls & Switches
- 18 Checkstands
- 19 Sales & Service Counters
- 20 Alarms
- 21 Telephones
- 22 Fixed & Built in Seating
- 23 Kitchens
- 24 Assembly Areas
- 24 ATM's & Gas Pumps
- 26 Restaurants
- 27 Medical Facilities
- 28 Libraries
- 29 Lodging
- 30 Transportation
- 31 Recreation Facilities
- 60 Visually Impaired
- CA Legislation
- California ADA
- Certified Access Specialist (CASp)
- Uncategorized
Regarding ADAAG 4.29.5 which states: If walk crosses or adjoins a vehicular way, and walking surface is not separated from vehicular areas with curbs, railings or other elements, the boundary between the areas to be defined by a continuous detectable warning which is 36” wide.
Is crossing a driveway considered a walk cross? Thus, is the above stated is applicable to driveway crossing?
It probably depends on the specific situation – but I can’t recall seeing a condition where detectable warnings were used on a sidewalk that parallels a public way, where a driveway perpendicularly crosses the sidewalk. Where the pedestrian walkway and the vehicular way are at the same level – it is necessary to separate the two areas with a detectable warning or curb to signal to visually impaired individuals that they are moving from a pedestrian area into an area with vehicular traffic.
Does it have to be yellow.
Auto dealership has a drop off drive isle that meets its display area in front of the building. Can these domes be black or do they have to be yellow??
It depends on the municipality. Some require yellow – others are more flexible.
City of Columbus, Ohio uses the following criteria: If a driveway is signalized or has stop control (stop or yield signs), install detectable warnings.Otherwise, do not use. Reason: overuse negates the impact of the unit…the units should be reserved for use when there is a relatively significant danger to the pedestrian.
what year did truncated domes become part of the CBC?
What year did truncated domes first appear in the CBC?
The oldest CBC code book we have is 2001 – and the requirement f/ detectable warnings is in that.