
The following resources are provided to help business and property owners address ADA4CAaccessibility compliance issues in California buildings and facilities.

IRS Tax Credit & Deductions
A Disabled Access Tax credit of up to $5,000 is available for small businesses that incur expenses related to providing access to individuals with disabilities.  A tax deduction of up to $15,000 a year is also available to businesses of any size for qualified accessibility expenses that would normally be capitalized.

Certified Access Specialists (CASp)
Are authorized by Senate Bill 1608 and the Division of State Architect to inspect buildings and facilities for accessibility compliance and provide certification that projects comply with federal and state accessibility requirements.

CASp Inspection Certificate
Senate Bill 1608 requires Certified Access Specialists to provide the building owner or tenant with a numbered Disability Access Inspection Certificate indicating that the site has been inspected by a Certified Access Specialist.

Important access compliance forms in California include “Notice to Private Property Owner/Tenant“, which describes important protections available to CASp inspected properties, including the option to request a “Stay” of proceedings and an “Early Evaluation Conference” to resolve any access compliance issues.

14 Responses to Resources

  1. Michael Letourneau says:

    The Kebab Shop at 303 W Beech Street, San Diego 92101 ((619) 550-5481), has been parking their company vehicle in a disabled parking space in our building on a routine basis without a disabled license plate or placard. I personally have contacted parking enforcement and they have issues at least 2 tickets to the offending vehicle. When a disabled friend of mine parked his vehicle which has a legal disabled parking license plate, in the disabled parking space, someone from the Kabob Shop left a nasty note on his car stating that he was not allowed to park in the disabled parking place. They have put up a sign stating that only the Kabob Shop is allowed to park in the disabled parking space and that if anyone else parked there, they would be towed.

    I have pictures of the offending vehicle if you would like for me to send them.

    Is there anything you can do to assure they do not park in that space again? Also, what can be done about the nasty notes they leave on legitimately parked disabled vehicles?

    Thank you.

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      From everything you’ve stated, it appears that parking a company vehicle in the accessible parking stall is a violation of both State and Federal law. One thing I would suggest, is to make sure that the correct accessible parking signs are installed. I’m specifically thinking about the $250 Fine sign that’s required at all accessible stalls in California. Pls. see this blog post:

      I’m not sure who owns the parking lot / who is responsible f/ the accessible parking stalls, but it seems that it might make sense to sit down and have a reasonable conversation with the owners of the other company – both to find out what they are thinking, let them know what the law requires and share your concerns.

      I hope this helps.

  2. Kevin says:

    Hi , I was wandering if there was a online course to become a (CASp) inspector, I am mobility challenged but have a very limited ability to move around outside of my power wheel chair , to do inspections where a chair cannot go. do you think you can help me with any info, i live in Redlands ca and am very interested in learning the ADA laws. both to help myself and others to have the best life possible.

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      A terrific starting point would be our digital book ADA4CA, which is available on iTunes, Amazon and Barnes & Nobel. ADA4CA is a compilation of state and federal codes that establish the requirements for accessibility compliance in California.
      We also understand that CASCASP offers some on-line courses.
      I hope this helps.

  3. Kent Morris says:

    I am not handicapped, but I was recently in a serious bicycling accident while trying to get onto the sidewalk from the street via the handicap access on the corner of the street…

    Apparently the front tire of my bicycle could not get past the lip because it was too high and so my bike stopped while I kept going…

    My question is what are the height requirements of the handicap lip on street corners–I looked at others and the lip was more or less flush with the street…

    Who do I call to check out this particular one in order to find out if it’s compliant?

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      Essentially a curb ramp should be flush with the street. Both the ADA and the California Building Code have a requirement that limits the change in height along a path of travel to 1/4″ if vertical – and 1/2″ if sloped. If you think the curb ramp is not compliant – you could take photographs, with a tape measure, of the area in question & then go meet with your local Building Department. I hope this helps.

  4. Jay Scott says:

    We are preparing to begin TI in a rental space for a church. I am trying to determine code for a ramp to the 9″ tall stage. Requirements for a permanent ramp are readily available but what are the requirements for a portable ramp: Width, rails, etc. I visited a new build church and they did not have a permanent ramp but used a portable ramp as needed. Thank you in advance.

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      Essentially there’s no difference between a permanent & a temporary ramp. There is no definition for a temporary ramp, that I’ve ever seen, in either Federal or State codes – so essentially, a ramp is a ramp, is a ramp, is a ramp.

  5. Robert Hightower says:

    I have a small 4’x 8′ storage closet in an office building.
    Obviously a 60″ turn-around will not fit inside, but it deeper then 24″, so I am not sure if it can be considered a shallow closet.Can this just be an inaccessible closet. How does the code work for this space?

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      I’m not sure which code requirement you are asking about. You obviously can’t have a turn around inside the closet & I’m not sure what the closet is being used for. Is it intended that the public has access to this closet? Are you asking about the required size of the door? If it’s an existing condition & the public needs access, can you provide staff assistance?

  6. I use a wheelchair and/or walker, depending on distance & terrain. Recently I tried to visit a restaurant new to me in a city near my home. I found only one handicap parking space (filled) and had to walk about half a block in traffic lanes with no designated walkways and no ramps to the places of business in the commercial complex where the restaurant is located. Additionally, there was a curb to step up to the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, and steps to the restaurant door, and no hand-push-button to open the door, plus a step-up inside the restaurant. All these obstacles made it difficult to maneuver for one in my condition and seem non-compliant to ADA regulations in my opinion. Can someone help me resolve this, or direct me to the right person or department to address this? Thank you.

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      The first thing to do is to contact the restaurant. Talk to the manager / owner & explain the issues you encountered. Hopefully they will take the necessary steps to make corrections. If they don’t, contact us & we’ll advise re: next steps.

  7. Mike says:

    I have been attending physical therapy for sometime in a privately owned building, but rented and under lease agreement to Adventist Hospital Network, with many ADA violations I have remained silent as it is the only source in my area for treatment, but today I was in the shower and the seat installed for ADA compliance broke away from the wall, causing me to hit the tile, resulting in yet another set back, not to mention the head ache and upper body discomfort and pain. In telling the staff,they told me – that any complaints I have should be directed to the Hospital as they rent there facility and I am not a member of their business, but a patient of the hospital. I so tired of them allowing anyone to park in the ADA spots, non ADA parking, essentially no ADA compliance throughout the facility. I have been trying to contact an agency for assistance but I called the federal department who said they will mail me a complaint form, but I should contact the state, where I was informed to contact the county but again the number I was provided was of no assistance but after contacting four different departments, I was told to contact the city which I did two years ago with no action so with an internet search I found this site and thought I would give it a try. Thanks in advance for any advise or assistance you may offer, 🙂

    • Dwight Ashdown says:

      I’m an architect, but I would strongly suggest that you see a doctor immediately. I’m told that a soft tissue injury may not manifest itself for weeks. You should also contact an attorney and I can provide a recommendation if you would like.

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